Thursday, May 22, 2008

Happy 125th Brooklyn Bridge!

I got the last minute call from Uncle Craig that the Nike Bridge Runners 125th anniversary run over the Brooklyn Bridge was going down, which was a good thing because I had totally spaced it. But after a mad dash to BK to grab my running shit, me and Craig were in Chinatown ready to rip. After copping our special edition Dry Fits with 125 on the back and an image of the bridge on the front, we were off. Even though it poured halfway through, the 100 or so of us had a sick ass time. After routing through Park Row to the bridge to DUMBO and up through Brooklyn Heights, we finished off at Cadman Plaza with some Grimaldi's pizza and the ill custom cake. Following an enlightening history of the Brooklyn Bridge by someone from the Parks Deptartment we dispersed all better off for having made the effort. Photos by David Perez Shadi. Thanks Shadi!

Mike Saes Master Bridge Runner

Kai and Shadi

Timbo, Chris and Craig feeling it afterwards.

NYC Parks Department dropping knowledge.

Happy B Day Brooklyn Bridge!

1 comment:

tedo3000 said...

where's my friday caranguejo update?? need my dose dun