Tuesday, May 27, 2008

TTR hits NYC

The Swatch TTR (which stands for Ticket To Ride) grand assembly hit NYC last week to politik on the state of competitive snowboarding's future. Led by the snowboarding legend Terje Haakonsen, TTR is a global series of contests that crown a male and female winner each year and blesses them with a boatload of cash. This year it was Kevin Pearce and Jamie Anderson taking the dough for the men and women respectively. To cap the whole thing off, TTR held a suare at the Swatch flagship store in Times Square. Why the hell do it there, you ask, well Swatch happens to be the major sponsor of the whole thing, so let them live a little. It was a good time. Peep the pics below.

The Dingo with Kevin Pearce and TTR's Matt Johnson

Paper Mag's Michelle Lindsay with some designer dudes and Jamie Anderson

Hawaii Mike seeing a ghost or something.

Dingo, Swatch dude and TTR President Reto Lamm getting ready to give away some money.

Kevin and Jamie ready to get that money.

Vodka Redbulls everywhere.

Don't forget the cheese, not Swiss though, which was odd.

Uber agent Sue Izzo and the man himself Terje Haakonsen. Always good to see a homie.

Living Legend Tricia Byrnes

Majors what's good?

Michael and friend

Frank151 in the house

Fredi Kalbermatten and Kukoo da Baga Bones - Kukoo big up my dude!

Girls with berries, the only way to go.


Anonymous said...

Lovin'it man! hahaha..."such and such with "some designer dude" hauahauahau...you crack me up son!

Anonymous said...

Love it! Those Designer Dudes are Men's wear designer Mackie Dugan and Paper Mags VP of Creative Services Drew Elliott....xxoox ML