Friday, July 11, 2008

Milk 10 Year Anniversary BBQ!

There's no words to describe this one. If you missed it, you really fucked up. Skate Ramp. Barbecue. Liquor Bar. Self Serve Kegs. Mechanical Bull. Fu Manchu. Mariachi Band. Every Beautiful Person In NY. This was the Milk 10th Anniversary BBQ!

Any party that starts with Taku is a good party.

Peep this shit.

No Wristband = No Entry

Just ask Dennis. Good thing I knew him from Wisco - it's been 5 years buddy!

Shut's Concierge Michael Cohen and Kevin Carney

Geo Moya clearly still abdominimizing

The Godfather Rodney Smith and legend in the making Luis Tolentino

Muska in the house!

Even stars sign waivers

Finally some girls! Psych there were mad amounts - hi Natasha and friend.

Natalia hollering.

Annie always pimping.

Maybe not as hard as Ill-On.


Mike on a Bike!

Redbull's Arthur Soleimanpour

Skim Kim!

Ayler keeping it Hollywood.

Baggins and JaVa

Todd Jordan and friend



Craig Wetherby

Alex Gizela

Alex's friend aka Mint Chocolate Chip

There was unlimited beer

Which led to moshing

And skating

And Kaity from Antenna!

Natalia and China

Email if you know her

Annie once again

Marcus from Milk - VALEU IRMAO!

Do I know you three??

Even the DJ was blazin - and we out!

1 comment:

Rach said...

ah ure back!
Trustnobody...BCN represent!