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Agent Provocateur had a party at the
Milk Studios Penthouse last night. While I sipped minis of bubbly in a cloud of diesel, my new ace photog
Catherine Kim ran around with the digi and got flicks of all the beautiful people. Funny, they never seem to mind a camera in their face. There were plenty of homies up on the roof deck as well so the whole thing was pretty hard to front on. Check it out.

Fams poppin bottles
Zoe and
Giada looking right
Maxwell hoists one up
Dame Dash fends one off

Gentleman of Leisure Chris Nagy and photo wiz
Catherine Kim
Milk GM Marcus Montenegro and crew

Plaid and Moustache Mafia?!

Zanna Roberts and Rockstar Games'
Lyonel Tollemache
Daniel Dimin

Agent Provocateur Harem

JZ and
Bloody Social
Timbo Baggins and
Uncle Craig
The End
zoe kravitz completamente cega haha
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